Events happening today
This event began 03/05/22 and repeats every year forever
On December 7, 2022, the UN General Assembly unanimously supported the initiative of Kyrgyzstan and adopted a resolution on proclaiming 5th of March as the International Day for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Awareness.
The international community takes special notice of the dangers posed by weapons of mass destruction and the need to raise awareness about them, especially among youth. Disarmament and non-proliferation education is a valuable tool for achieving this objective and can provide the knowledge and critical thinking skills essential for achieving concrete measures.
Reaffirming its commitment to the policy of peace, diplomacy, nuclear disarmament and prevention of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, Kyrgyzstan proposed to the international community to declare 5th of March as the International Day for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Awareness (The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons entered into force on 5 March 1970).
This initiative is particularly important and relevant precisely at the present time when the world is going through one of the strongest crises of geopolitical confrontation. In this regard, the initiative of Kyrgyzstan will contribute to the strengthening of international peace and security and will increase the prospect that future generations will live in a world without nuclear weapons.
Commemoration of the International Day for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Awareness annually will contribute to raising the salience of disarmament and non-proliferation education and will provide an opportunity on a regular basis for representatives of national governments, international organizations, academe, and civil society to consider concrete and practical measures for the implementation of the recommendations of the Secretary-General’s report.
About 40 UN Member States co-sponsored resolution, Japan, USA, China, Türkiye, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Venezuela, Armenia, Nicaragua, Bahamas, Belarus, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominica, El Salvador, Georgia, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Kiribati, Lebanon, Malawi, Mexico, Mongolia, Oman, Peru, Singapore, Viet Nam and Zambia.
It should also be noted that, being an active supporter of the idea of a nuclear weapons free world, Kyrgyzstan became one of the initiators and depository of the Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia, where it is also the current Chairman. In this regard, by the submission of Kyrgyzstan the UN General Assembly also unanimous adopted the updated resolution entitled “Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia.”
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