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International Day to End Obstetric Fistula

This event begins 05/23/14 and repeats every year forever


Obstetric fistula is one of the most serious and tragic childbirth injuries. A hole between the birth canal and bladder and/or rectum, it is caused by prolonged, obstructed labour without access to timely, high-quality medical treatment. It leaves women with incontinence problems, and often leads to chronic medical problems, depression, social isolation and deepening poverty.

This problem is preventable with the correct medical assistance and its occurrence is a violation of human rights and a reminder of gross inequities.

We must put an end to the obstetric fistula as a critical step towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and realizing the promise of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action as well as the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development. Both plans are oriented to fight for women’s rights, including the sexual and reproductive health.

In order to reach this goal, the UN Population Fund has launched an updated manual that serves as a crucial resource and a guiding light on the path to achieving health, gender equality and human rights for all.

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